A Family Of Two

After eleven years of endometriosis, infertility, and adoption trials we finally chose to be a family of two. Living childless was never the plan for us until now. We are looking to the future and the wonderful life we will have together.

This decision did not come easy and not without great feelings of loss.

For eleven years we have been told to "just adopt" or "it'll happen." Nobody who hasn't experienced infertility says the right thing. How can they? We politely nod our head but inside are hurt by the false hope they try to give.

It didn't "happen" for us.

To "just adopt" isn't as easy as everyone thinks.

This adoption journey has been very difficult. It is a different kind of roller coaster than infertility but still a roller coaster.

After all these ups and downs we have grown weary. We are choosing to be a family a two. We are choosing to love each other, grow with each other, and enjoy the life we have together.

No more trying so hard. No more stressing. No more false hope. No more heartache.

Just the two of us and the great love we have for each other.
