Added Stressors and Good News
I've got a couple of updates here so it may be a longer post than normal.
A little over a week ago I somehow managed to get my wrist stuck in the steering wheel while turning the car. I can only assume it is because I put my phone by the speedometer to use as GPS and it probably fell. Instinctively I must have reached through the steering wheel to pick it up but instead got my wrist pinned during the turn.
Go ahead and laugh. I know I did and still do when I think about it. It's one of those things you see "blonde girls" do on movies. Not something real people do. Ha!
Anyway, I tried to keep the car straight in the correct lane but doing so was putting too much pressure on my wrist. If I had kept the car straight it felt like it would have broken my arm for sure. So, I took a second to look up and see if there was any oncoming traffic. Fortunately, no one was coming. I let the steering wheel go to relieve the pressure on my arm. Doing so caused the car to veer to the left into the oncoming traffic lane and slam into the curb before stopping. I removed my arm from the steering wheel, used my left hand to back up and then pull off the road on the correct side.
I cradled my wrist and almost instinctively cried from the pain. However, I'm an adult and an RN so I snapped myself out of that instinctive response to ask myself if I was alright. I was able to wiggle my fingers and move my wrist even though it was pretty painful to do so. Yay, it wasn't broken!
Next thing I know a cute guy comes up to my window. Now, I am happily married so don't be upset with what I just said. I'm just stating the obvious. I only state that he was cute because that made my embarrassment that much worse. HAHA!
This gentleman was kind of enough to stop and check on me and then not only offered to help but actually did help my husband change out the tire I had blown during this crazy event. He was obviously late to something because people kept calling to check on him but he just said he was helping someone real quick and that he'd get there soon. Super nice man!
Kyle and I switched vehicles for our drive back home. Kyle is pretty protective of me. He didn't want me driving with a donut on my car on I-285, I-85, and then several highways to get home. Then, he took off half a day on Tuesday to get me a new tire and an alignment. Fortunately, other than the tire and the front bumper slightly hanging off, nothing else was messed up. It's just sad that we had to buy a new tire when we hadn't even drivin 1000 miles on the ones we just bought... But alas, all is well. It could have been much worse.
My wrist is almost 100% back to normal now. It's visibly bruised and still hurts if anything touches it but I am able to do everything I normally do. I only had to wear a brace for about a week because twisting it hurt and sleeping hurt without the brace.
I am now currently eight days late. I was hoping this meant great news but my pregnancy test yesterday says otherwise. During these eight days I've felt like I was on my cycle. All the typical signs have been there except the flow. Then yesterday I started having weird pain below my belly button. This morning I felt a tearing sensation for a little bit.
With a negative pregnancy test my thoughts turn to the Uterine Fibroid Embolization procedure I had done a couple months ago. Did the tumor find another arterial supply and is it rapidly growing again? It had gone from apricot size to orange size in only 2 months before. I'm definitely bloating and look pregnant so it's plausible. Another thought is did the UFE procedure cut off all the supply to my uterus completely? Fortunately, I do not have a fever and haven't been vomiting.
In any case, if my cycle doesn't start soon I'll go see my OBGYN. I'll also have my four month followup MRI and appointment with the Interventional Radiologist who did the UFE procedure in October or November.
We hadn't heard back from All God's Children on our home study after mailing in our packet. Naturally, I emailed both of our contacts to find out what was going on. It appears they were completely holding off on the home study visits until we got our septic system replaced. Well, I made it known that we did not want them to delay the process at all. I asked if they could continue with the home study visits and at the end just have us as "pending" for the septic replacement. To my surprise, they agreed. We have officially been assigned a case worker to do our home study!
Also, we had the county come out to inspect our septic system.
"No evidence of system failure observed at this time."
I emailed our contacts at All God's Children the county report. We are still waiting to hear back from them.
What this means for us is that we don't have to buy a $20,000+ system anymore. We are extremely excited about this. Some part of me just felt like they were just trying to sell us a product, especially since they didn't actually inspect the system. I'm glad we got another opinion.
Even though we do not need an entire new system, we will need an extension of our current drain field. We haven't gotten any quotes on that yet.
We are now looking at more like $15,000 for repairing the basement and extending the drain field. That is half of what we were originally needing.
If you'd like to help us financially, a good friend of ours setup a GoFundMe account.
As always, we greatly appreciate your thoughts and prayers. This process has been stressful.
A little over a week ago I somehow managed to get my wrist stuck in the steering wheel while turning the car. I can only assume it is because I put my phone by the speedometer to use as GPS and it probably fell. Instinctively I must have reached through the steering wheel to pick it up but instead got my wrist pinned during the turn.
Go ahead and laugh. I know I did and still do when I think about it. It's one of those things you see "blonde girls" do on movies. Not something real people do. Ha!
Anyway, I tried to keep the car straight in the correct lane but doing so was putting too much pressure on my wrist. If I had kept the car straight it felt like it would have broken my arm for sure. So, I took a second to look up and see if there was any oncoming traffic. Fortunately, no one was coming. I let the steering wheel go to relieve the pressure on my arm. Doing so caused the car to veer to the left into the oncoming traffic lane and slam into the curb before stopping. I removed my arm from the steering wheel, used my left hand to back up and then pull off the road on the correct side.

Next thing I know a cute guy comes up to my window. Now, I am happily married so don't be upset with what I just said. I'm just stating the obvious. I only state that he was cute because that made my embarrassment that much worse. HAHA!
This gentleman was kind of enough to stop and check on me and then not only offered to help but actually did help my husband change out the tire I had blown during this crazy event. He was obviously late to something because people kept calling to check on him but he just said he was helping someone real quick and that he'd get there soon. Super nice man!
Kyle and I switched vehicles for our drive back home. Kyle is pretty protective of me. He didn't want me driving with a donut on my car on I-285, I-85, and then several highways to get home. Then, he took off half a day on Tuesday to get me a new tire and an alignment. Fortunately, other than the tire and the front bumper slightly hanging off, nothing else was messed up. It's just sad that we had to buy a new tire when we hadn't even drivin 1000 miles on the ones we just bought... But alas, all is well. It could have been much worse.
My wrist is almost 100% back to normal now. It's visibly bruised and still hurts if anything touches it but I am able to do everything I normally do. I only had to wear a brace for about a week because twisting it hurt and sleeping hurt without the brace.
I am now currently eight days late. I was hoping this meant great news but my pregnancy test yesterday says otherwise. During these eight days I've felt like I was on my cycle. All the typical signs have been there except the flow. Then yesterday I started having weird pain below my belly button. This morning I felt a tearing sensation for a little bit.
With a negative pregnancy test my thoughts turn to the Uterine Fibroid Embolization procedure I had done a couple months ago. Did the tumor find another arterial supply and is it rapidly growing again? It had gone from apricot size to orange size in only 2 months before. I'm definitely bloating and look pregnant so it's plausible. Another thought is did the UFE procedure cut off all the supply to my uterus completely? Fortunately, I do not have a fever and haven't been vomiting.
In any case, if my cycle doesn't start soon I'll go see my OBGYN. I'll also have my four month followup MRI and appointment with the Interventional Radiologist who did the UFE procedure in October or November.
We hadn't heard back from All God's Children on our home study after mailing in our packet. Naturally, I emailed both of our contacts to find out what was going on. It appears they were completely holding off on the home study visits until we got our septic system replaced. Well, I made it known that we did not want them to delay the process at all. I asked if they could continue with the home study visits and at the end just have us as "pending" for the septic replacement. To my surprise, they agreed. We have officially been assigned a case worker to do our home study!
Also, we had the county come out to inspect our septic system.
"No evidence of system failure observed at this time."
I emailed our contacts at All God's Children the county report. We are still waiting to hear back from them.
What this means for us is that we don't have to buy a $20,000+ system anymore. We are extremely excited about this. Some part of me just felt like they were just trying to sell us a product, especially since they didn't actually inspect the system. I'm glad we got another opinion.
Even though we do not need an entire new system, we will need an extension of our current drain field. We haven't gotten any quotes on that yet.
We are now looking at more like $15,000 for repairing the basement and extending the drain field. That is half of what we were originally needing.
If you'd like to help us financially, a good friend of ours setup a GoFundMe account.
As always, we greatly appreciate your thoughts and prayers. This process has been stressful.
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